Thursday, 5 June 2008

Low Budget Thriller.................

Oceanstorm Films are currently in the final stages of development on a new psychological thriller called "Hard Shoulder" - a violent road-trip styled feature that mixes the best of "The Devils Rejects" with the claustrophobic environment of "Saw" and the mental deterioration of character found in "Lost Highway".

Budgeted at a tiny £10k for the 75 mins of narrative, interest from several prominant TV actors has seen finance figures of nearly £50k discussed by intrigued executives, thus pushing the scope of the film beyond what had originally been envisaged. All this ultimately means is more production value for audiences.

It is hoped that the film will showcase at several important film festivals early in the calender of 2009, and thereafter receive decent distribution at markets like Berlin and the AFM. We can but hope I suppose!

Watch this space for developments or alternatively you can follow progress on:

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