Thursday 19 July 2007

Safe Harbour?

This week has been one of relative, though guarded excitement following an approach to an agency about possible representation and a very favourable response. There's nothing better than someone else taking interest in your work, and the prospects of actually getting representation after 10 years of learning to write and touting projects around the industry, are extremely welcome. Suffice to say that the projects presented to the agency are vibrant, innovative, and entertainingly exciting and so stand a good chance of finally seeing the light of day - Bastille, and Infected being the two projects that I personally favour the most. That said, the agency have shown interest in two other projects currently in develoment so I'll have to get my thinking cap on in order to get them finished to at least a half decent draft.

So, I suppose the message to be derived from this news, for all writers out there continually struggling, is this - never ever give up. As the 'signature' on my emails to you all reminds.......
failure succumbs to the will of persistency!

Keep writing y'all
